Who's ever heard of a flying dog?
Bucky Wall is no ordinary stray pup. But there's magic in being different. There's beauty in being rescued. And sometimes weirdos turn into superheroes.

Be Like Bucky
Share your favorite social media images of you and your fur friends and tag us for a chance to be one of Bucky's BFFs of the month and win a special prize! #BuckyWall #BuckyWallWeirdoHero #BeLikeBucky

The Book
Discover the odd little dog who goes from weirdo to hero with a few shakes of his tail and teaches us how to celebrate our differences and what makes us unique.
BUCKY'S BFFs OF THE MONTH Be yourself. Be proud. Be like Bucky.
#BuckyWall #BuckyWallWeirdoHero #BuckyWallBook #BeLikeBucky #WeirdoHero
June and Tema
Noe' and Taco